Boosting Revenue: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Selling Ad Formats and Sizes

Written by: Bjorn Eriksson
October 13, 2023
If you’re aiming to monetize your website, knowing which ad formats and sizes to use is crucial. The right choices can significantly boost your revenue and enhance user experience. In this in-depth guide, we’ll break down the best-selling ad formats and sizes that can be helpful for someone who is looking to earn money from Ads on a website.


Table of Contents


  1. Leaderboard Ads: The Horizontal Powerhouse
  2. Large Rectangle and Medium Rectangle: The Versatile Choices
  3. Skyscraper and Wide Skyscraper: Vertical Efficiency
  4. Native Advertising: A User-Friendly Option
  5. Video Ads: The Multimedia Marvel
  6. Mobile-Optimized Formats: Catching the On-the-Go Audience
  7. Conclusion: Tailoring Your Strategy for Maximum Revenue


Leaderboard Ads: The Horizontal Powerhouse

Desktop: 728×90 pixels
Mobile: 320×50 pixels
Best For: Above-the-fold placement, high visibility
Revenue Impact: High

This ad format is one of the most popular formats for website monetization. Leaderboard ads, especially the traditional 728×90 pixels format, are a staple in digital advertising due to their prominent positioning, usually at the top of web pages. This placement makes them highly visible and effective for brand awareness and click-through rates. However, their large size can be intrusive, potentially affecting user experience negatively. On the other hand, mobile leaderboard ads, sized at 320×50 pixels, are specifically designed for mobile devices. They offer a balance between visibility and unobtrusiveness, fitting well within the limited screen space of smartphones and tablets. While less impactful than their larger counterparts due to their smaller size, they are crucial in reaching mobile audiences effectively. Both formats have their unique strengths and challenges, making them important tools in a digital marketer’s arsenal for targeted advertising campaigns.


Large, Medium and Small Rectangle: The Versatile Choices

Large: 336×280 pixels
Medium: 300×250 pixels
Small: 300×100 pixels
Best For: In-content or sidebar placement
Revenue Impact: Moderate to High

These rectangle formats are incredibly versatile, fitting well within content or in sidebars. They offer a sizable space for advertisers, making them a go-to choice for many website owners looking to make money from their website. Their balanced aspect ratio makes them ideal for integration within content, offering a less intrusive advertising experience compared to other formats. These ads are compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms, providing a consistent user experience across devices. Medium Rectangles, in particular, are favored for their high engagement rates, as they often appear within text content or at the end of articles, drawing attention without disrupting the user’s browsing flow. However, their ubiquity can sometimes lead to “banner blindness,” where users unconsciously ignore ad areas. Despite this, their effectiveness in various placements makes rectangle ads a fundamental choice for advertisers aiming for both reach and engagement.


Skyscraper and Wide Skyscraper: Vertical Efficiency

Normal: 120×600 pixels
Wide: 160×600 pixels
Best For: Sidebar placement
Revenue Impact: Moderate

Skyscraper ads, known for their tall and narrow format, are designed to stand out due to their vertical orientation, often placed along the sidebars of web pages. This positioning allows them to be visible for longer as users scroll through content, increasing the likelihood of viewer engagement. Skyscrapers are particularly effective on websites with lots of text or content, as they can utilize the vertical space without intruding into the main content area. However, their size can sometimes limit creative design options, and on smaller screens or in less optimal placements, they can be less effective. Despite these challenges, Skyscraper ads remain a popular choice for advertisers looking to make a significant visual impact in their digital marketing campaigns.


How to earn Money from ADS on a website?
Read more in this article

Native Advertising: A User-Friendly Option

Size: Varies depending on the platform
Best For: In-content placement
Revenue Impact: Moderate to High

Native advertising stands out in the digital marketing landscape for its unique approach of blending seamlessly with the platform’s content, creating a less disruptive and more engaging experience for users. Unlike traditional banner or display ads, native ads mimic the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear. This format is designed to be less obtrusive, enhancing the likelihood of audience engagement as it aligns with the user’s natural content consumption behavior. The subtlety of native advertising can lead to higher trust and better engagement rates, but it also brings the challenge of maintaining transparency and clearly marking the content as sponsored to avoid misleading the audience. When executed correctly, native advertising can be a powerful tool for marketers, offering a more organic way to connect with their audience.


Video Ads: The Multimedia Marvel

Size: Varies depending on the platform
Best For: Pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll in video content
Revenue Impact: High

Video ads have become a cornerstone in digital advertising, offering a dynamic and engaging way to capture audience attention. Unlike static image or text-based ads, video ads leverage motion, sound, and storytelling to create a more immersive experience. They are versatile, appearing in pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll slots in video content, within social media feeds, or even as standalone ads on websites. The effectiveness of video ads lies in their ability to convey complex messages, evoke emotional responses, and build brand awareness through compelling visuals and narratives. However, they also come with challenges, such as the need for higher production quality and the risk of being skipped or ignored if they’re too lengthy or not immediately captivating. Additionally, they must be optimized for different platforms to ensure a smooth viewing experience across various devices. Despite these considerations, video ads remain highly popular due to their potential for high engagement and conversion rates, making them a valuable tool in modern digital marketing strategies.


Conclusion: Tailoring Your Strategy for Maximum Revenue

Understanding the best-selling ad formats and sizes is crucial for effective website monetization. By selecting the right combinations, you can optimize your revenue streams and provide a better user experience, ensuring that you make the most money from your website.

At Holid, we take the guesswork out of selecting the best ad formats and sizes for your website. With our specialized services in automization and technical scouting, you don’t have to concern yourself with the intricacies of ad placement and sizing. We handle everything for you, ensuring that the most effective and revenue-generating ads are seamlessly integrated into your site. Our automization technology ensures that the right ads reach the right audience at the perfect moment, while our technical scouting keeps you ahead of industry trends. With Holid, you can focus on what you do best while we optimize your ad strategy for maximum impact.



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